It was definitely one for the books!!
But first we have to start with Easter eve...
We headed over to Grandpa and Grams' house to hang out for a little while and for Peyton to show off her new skill of crawling. She had an Easter present waiting, a pink bunny...which she really wasn't thrilled about...good thing we didn't go see the Easter bunny this year! I don't think it would be fun to see her cry. Afterwards we headed back home to dye some eggs.
Peyton helping with her egg |
The final products |
Apparently we need a lesson in dying eggs (as you can see). Cade and I definitely need to brush up on our skills.
What a fantastic and busy Easter day today! Before heading to church Peyton 'opened' her Easter basket and we had a little fun :)
First basket |
Enjoying some bubbles |
We headed to church this morning which was the first Easter service we have been to with First Baptist. It was held at Cynthia Woods Pavilion and at the end of the service they had a butterfly release which was interesting and fun. I am so thankful to have the faith that I do and so happy God put in my life 3 amazing ladies that helped me grow in my relationship with Jesus. This Easter was particularly heartfelt because not only am I an setting an example but also sharing this faith with Peyton and starting her out to have a relationship with Christ.
We hosted Easter at our house. I wanted it to be fun especially since it was our first Easter in our new home and Peyton's first Easter so Cade and I made a nice spread featuring a few pinterest items.
Egg Cupcakes anyone? |
How about some baby chicks? |
We had an Easter egg hunt ready for after lunch but didn't really get to do the outside part with the rain..probably a good thing since Peyton can't really walk. We instead did it inside and let her crawl towards the eggs....hmm--do you think she learned to crawl just in time?!? Poor Peyton, though, was so tired at lunch that when I set her down to crawl after the eggs she started to cry...guess we couldn't get away with skipping a nap. So Peyton took a nap and we put the egg hunt on hold.
During naptime, we had some birthday cake from my parents and confetti egg-bombed Cade! It was so much fun!!
After the ambush |
Payback |
the accomplices |
Once Peyton got up from her nap, we started the egg hunt back up! And were in a much better, rested mood!
what's in my basket |
playing around with MiMi and PawPaw |
walking back and forth |
CHEESE! And wardrobe change |
I got one! |
Here you go! |
All of P's Easter animals |
AHAHA SOOO many animals! |
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