Peyton's first birthday

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, October 26, 2012

First Family Carving

Well it isn't a "scary" pumpkin carving but it was a fun way of capturing our first family pumpkin carving.
We started out by setting Peyton in her bumbo to watch us but as time went on she was more fascinated with her bib than watching us. We decided to do a cut out of each of our hands. For Peyton's we just traced it in pencil on a sheet of paper and then cut it out on the pumpkin.
It was surprising really easy--well the letters were the hardest part. Cade delegated that task to me. I wasn't sure if how they would turn out but when we put the candles in it looked better than I thought.

Peyton's first pumpkin

Peyton wanted to try some pumpkins seeds

Kinda looks like a face

Our family pumpkin with all of our hands!
Peyton will probably kill me when she sees this when she is older but I couldn't resist. How many times can you fit into a pumpkin in your life?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

3 months old

Peyton is now officially an "infant"--goodbye newborn phase. There has definitely been a change now that she is three months, it seems like over night.
I'm how old?

-Currently sleeping through the night --> 9/9:30p.m.-7a.m.
-Getting used to taking naps on a regular schedule
-Had her first "real" laugh on Sunday! (it was AMAZING)
-Grabs toys (and hair) and likes to bring them to her mouth
-Entered the drooling phase
-Enjoying tummy time more thanks to Jacque the Peacock
-Likes Tommee Tippee bottles the best

Meet Jacque

We tried out our Bumbo for the first time this week. Peyton seems to like it but we still need to wait to use it with her more often till she has full control of her head.
This thing is called a what?!?

We've been taking walks in the evening down the Woodlands Waterway as a family and we went to the fountains with Peyton for the first time. She had a blast looking at the water change colors and started to move her feet the whole time I was holding her.

Happy Feet
Still looking at the lights

Peyton and I went to our first baby boot camp today and I realized how out of shape I am. She did so well and was awake and smiling the entire time. All the ladies loved her (but how could you not :)). After our workout, we went to look at the ducks in the water and Peyton could not keep her eyes off the ducks. She loved them!

This weekend we have lots going on: another pumpkin patch, wildflower festival and a corn maze. I love this time of year!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Picking Pumpkins

We started a new tradition in the Roper household of having a bucket list for each season (thanks to Pinterest)
Here it is:

This weekend we went to a pumpkin patch for the first time, though the weather wasn't very "fall" like-a high of 90 degrees. We went to Old Time Christmas Tree Farm since it was close by and s. We got to see some of the Christmas tree that will be out this year. Peyton was very interested in looking at the pumpkins. We tried to set her up against some for a picture--3 months is a little too young I guess. We wanted to go on a hayride they had there but with all the dust that was stirred up we knew it wouldn't be the best for Peyton.
Look at that pose!

Propping me up against these pumpkins isn't working..

We each picked out a pumpkin to carve this year so we now have to start thinking of what we want to do! Stay tuned :)

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Month Two Favorites

Now that we have approached 3 months, I thought it would be a good idea to start a "favorites" list at each month.

The Nap Nanny is a MUST HAVE! I'm so glad that we got this. The Boppy newborn lounger was great for the first month since she was so small but as she got bigger she didn't like laying down as low as the lounger was. Guess you could say she has"altitude fever". It helps during the day when she is taking a nap because she does not really like laying in her crib.

Swaddle Me-well I guess I can say that this is one of our favorite things. We used to be able to get away with the blankets taken from the hospital but she managed to get out of them all the time. Cade and I were pretty good at swaddling but these swaddle me's are so much better. Velcro is our friend. Her arms are still very active and when they are "free" she likes sucking on her hands. Not necessarily that she is hungry just has a need. When Peyton is swaddled she sleeps so much better.

Wubbanub is a pacifier with an animal on it so its easy to find and something she can hold on it and help pacify herself. This Soothie pacifier she likes more than the other soothie pacifiers. This is also helping her hold onto objects.

"Some Nights" by Fun. This is a miracle song! If Peyton is crying and nothing else is working we play this song and the crying stops or calms her down. Several of our family members have witnessed this so we aren't making it up. This is song is on every device we own.

Sleep Sheep has been great at nighttime. She enjoys having background noise to fall asleep to in particular the Beach sounds. During the first month we used an app called "White Noise" to help sleep during the night. That still works but its a lot easier to have the sheep set.

Puppy on carseat-If you want to get a for-sure smile then play the puppy. It never fails!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall is in the air!

These past few weeks we have been enjoying some family time together. Peyton and I have had several lunch dates and trips to the mall (no shopping just walking). She has done great being out for several hours and I'm learning how to do it all while out too. Our longest trip out was this past weekend when we went to the outlet mall and then to the Ropers house. We weren't really sure how everything would go because when we have been house hunting she gets tired of being in the carseat but she surprised us both!

Cade is now permanently home! No more training or trips for awhile. So far we haven't gotten on each others nerves. :) We are getting ready for the fall season around the house with decorations and our bath and body works "Leaves" candle. The past few days the weather has been AMAZING! Perfect for Starbucks pumpkin spice latte and porch swinging which Peyton absolutely loves. She is definitely an outdoorsy girl!

-We are officially in size 2 diapers. We've got 5 gorgeous rolls on our thighs
-Carters 3 month clothes are getting snug
-Last weigh in: 12 lbs, 24 inches
-Can sleep for 7 hours straight (not very often but we enjoy those nights)
-Enjoy our index finger
-Like sleeping in the Nap Nanny
-Favorite toys are the Octopus and Dragonfly
-Smile at ourselves in the mirror
-Learning to wave hi and bye when we are in the mirror and at people
-Favorite lullaby is "Hush Little Baby"
-Smile and "talk" alot
-Grunting at night has decreased to only when we are waking up

Forgot to add this last month

CeeCee feels so comfy

Fun w/ Grams and Grandpa

My favorite position. Look I'm walking!

We are excited to see Nicole, Sam  and baby Rihn this weekend!