Peyton's first birthday

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Friday, August 24, 2012

Sweet P

Well Peyton has been in a growth spurt for about 3 weeks now, eating around the clock. She is our little chunky monkey, especially watching her guzzle down an entire bottle in about 10 minutes!

She is getting so much stronger in holding up her head
She enjoys listening to music, not lullaby music, during our daily dance session
So observant and wants to be held up on your shoulders all the  time
We have spoiled her where she constantly wants to be held...but how can you not to a beautiful face like this!
Dance time!

Practicing her whistle lips
I had my 6 week check up this week and am doing great and back to "normal" if there is such a term!
Cade has been in Plano this past week and Peyton has kept me busy this entire time especially a night. Ill take it as she just enjoys our time together so much during the day that she wanted to continue the fun at night and not sleep! Apparently I never slept when I was a baby so the saying what comes around, goes around. Thank goodness for grandparents. My parents brought over lunch and breakfast for me and CeeCee came over to watch Peyton while I went out grocery shopping. Cade was able to come back a day early and Peyton slept for 4 1/2 hours--she was happy he was back to rock her to sleep.
You mean dad is gone for a week?

The next thing we have is our 8 week appointment where Peyton will be getting her first set of immunizations. I'm not looking forward to that but once we do this, we can start going out in public. Peyton has been wanting to go to the mall :) We are also focusing on what our halloween costume will be!

Gotta love little girls!

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Happy 1 month Peyton!

Its hard to believe that a month has gone by. It seems like everyday there is something new she is doing.

Here are some facts from the past 2 weeks:

Week 3:
-Her hair is starting to have a reddish tint to it
-she lifts her head up for about 5 seconds without help but is still wobbly
-More alert when she is awake
-Enjoys going outside and swinging on the porch. (Mommy enjoys this too!)
-Legs are getting "chunkier" :)
-Still grunts, laughs, sighs and cries in her sleep. Cade and I lay in the bed laughing at times
          Cade's nickname for her is Squeaky because of all her noises

Can you see the red tint

Week 4:
-introduced a bottle for the first time (she took it well!)
-LOVES "Some Nights " by the band Fun. (we play this song and she stops crying)
-officially upgraded to 0-3 month clothes no more tiny newborn clothes unless we pack in those chunky little legs!
-enjoys us singing and dancing to music
-sleeps better at night and we can go to about 3 hours until we wake her up to eat if she doesn't wake up herself
-enjoys "white noise" at nighttime to help her fall asleep. She particularly likes rain and ocean waves.
-starting to roll to one side (yikes this is too early!!)

worn out from CeeCee

quality father-daughter time
we've upgraded to the tub!

She still loves having her hand by her face just like she did every time we had an ultrasound and she is wide awake at 2a.m.-3a.m. (just like when she would move around in my belly). I think she has observed my twisting my hair, which is a horrible habit I've had all my life that I can't seem to break, because she has started to "play" with her hair while eating I guess we can say like mother like daughter.

I developed mastitis this past week which is an infection in my breast tissue so I'll be on antibiotics for about a week. Apparently it can be a common thing for breastfeeding moms and nothing that harms Peyton. This past weekend I had to take it easy and Cade took over the majority of taking care of Peyton so I could recover.

Upcoming this week is Cade's last week at McKesson. He will now be working from home! He has 2 weeks of training to attend (a week in Plano and a week in North Carolina) so I have informed the grandparents about the needed help so I can have a break to do the necessities like taking a shower! Haha. I've been trying to work on knitting but I've realized that I don't have the down time I need to really work on it at this time, so Peyton and I are catching up on some much needed reading!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

2 weeks old

Its hard to imagine that 2 weeks ago our little girl was born. We've done a lot in the past 14 days.
Our first pediatrician appointment was the Monday after she was born. The doctor was really pleased with her color and surprised at how "pink" she was. She lost some weight since being in the hospital and currently was 6 lbs 10 oz which the doctor said was normal for her to lose weight. We  had our list of questions to ask her and it wouldn't have been complete without pooping on the pedi scale! Our next appointment was scheduled for a week later to make sure she is gaining weight.
First bath at home....not really a fan
Second bath went a lot better. She likes her mohawk

During our first week, we had multiple visitors (friends and family) come by to visit Peyton and help us out. It was great to see how many people care about her. Cade is off for 2 weeks and we have realized how fast time goes by during the day with a newborn. We try to "sleep in" till 9a.m. then Peyton is up for the day. I know everyone says sleep when she sleeps and we try to but at times when you are up, you're up!
So our first week consisted of:
-eating every 2 hours
-changing about 16 diapers a day
-sleeping (well Peyton)
-taking 20 pictures a day of her
Fingers near mouth, we know what time it is.

Week 2
We had our follow-up doctor appointment and Peyton gained some weight and is 7lbs 2 oz (though with all the feeding I feel like it should have been more) and 20 1/2 inches. The doctor was happy with the amount of weight gain and how she is doing overall. She had follow-up screening tests and didn't even cry when the nurse stuck her! Our next visit is at 2 months where we get our first round of immunizations (I just hope she is as good then as she was at our last visit but I know its going to be completely different).

We also had our newborn pictures which from the sneak peek look fabulous! Peyton made sure to leave her mark on every quilt that we used!

Peyton playing with daddy. She rolled over to look at him!

Cade returned to work this week and it has been an adjustment especially for him because of the lack of sleep. It was nice to have us all together at home.
This week's developments:
-Peyton is more awake
-Grunts in her sleep
-Starting to smile while awake (and smiles while sleeping so she must be having good dreams)
-Our growth spurt has started early because at 1 1/2 hours she wanting to eat (its like clock work-she is never late!)
-CRY when hungry (no more needing to wake her up to eat) and cry when we change her diaper but she doesn't cry when she is wet
-loves to be held and walked around the house--she knows when you sit down and will wake up and cry

She loves making this face and always has a hand by her face

I love my nap nanny!