Our sweet baby is:
Weight: 17 lbs 10 oz (28%)
Height: 28 in (64%)
She is right on track with everything! She got pricked for a blood test but didn't notice until the lady kept squeezing her heel.
Many new things happened, here's a recap:
-Started crawling and loves getting around
-Pulls up on her own on anything and everything
-Started to wave regularly and its not just any wave, its pageant material!
-Got 1 more tooth (total of 6 now)
-Stands up in her crib every time she wakes up
-Loves hearing herself laugh and seeing herself laugh too. If we are out and I hear a 'forced' laugh, I know there is a mirror around
-Loves crawling away from us when we say "I'm gonna get you"
-Loves pulling on daddy's hair & ears
-Likes eating avocado and peas

-Diaper changes. I've gotten pretty good at a crawling and standing diaper change
-Sleeping throughout the night and in her crib. We sleep half the time in our crib and the other house with mommy & daddy (but I'm not complaining)
Everyday is something new and getting better and stronger!
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